Julia Steiny: School Suspensions Model the Wrong Behavior for Students
By Julia Steiny Last week we looked at reasons why kids misbehave — how sometimes they can’t or they won’t act in community-appropriate ways. Whether it’s a choice for them or not, it’s Tovább...

100,000 say NO to the EU: Poll PROVES Britain wants out of eurozone
SUPPORT for Britain to quit the EU is gaining unstoppable momentum among British voters. Daily Express :: News Feed Tovább...

Interjú BEN NYLER-rel, azaz Oláh Bencével
– Hogyan jött neked a zenei érdeklõdés és mikor kezdtél el dj-ként zenét keverni? Üdvözlök mindent olvasót! Igazából ez olyan 6-7 éve kezdõdött el, már akkor tudatosult bennem, hogy másképp Tovább...

Harry Potter EIGHTH book will be released in July after The Cursed Child play opens
HARRY POTTER fans can get their hands on the full story as soon as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child opens in theatres on July 30. Daily Express :: Books Feed Tovább...

The unlikely bikini babes are here to defy stereotypes
GREY is the new black. Fifty is the new 30. Late youth, not middle age. Somehow all those slogans assuring us that ageing was not the end of everything that makes life worth living never managed to be truly convincing. Tovább...

EU deal in CHAOS: Donald Tusk launches PANIC TOUR of Europe to salvage Cameron stitch-up
THE ARCHITECT of David Cameron’s stitch-up EU deal has launched a panic tour of Europe to sell it to other leaders amid fears it could collapse. Daily Express :: News Feed Tovább...

Pantomime lets VR headset and smartphone users share a virtual space
A startup called Pantomime came up with a nifty system of enabling people to peer into animated virtual worlds without the need to wear virtual reality headsets. And now it is adding support for VR headsets so Tovább...

New Look, Oasis and Asos: The best silk outfits
FALL in love with silky camisole dresses, bralets and sheer fabrics as this season’s underwear becomes outerwear. Daily Express :: Style Feed Tovább...

Az életben bármit el lehet érni, csak akarni kell – Giovanni interjú
Bemutatkozik rovatunk e-heti arca, az Olasz származású Giovanni polgári nevén Vitello Giovanni 1994. árpilis 7-én született Ipolyságon Szlovákiában., akinek a feldolgozásait az Ország elismert lemezlovasai Tovább...