Watch out, Tesla! New batteries from hi-tech energy agency coming fast
(Reuters) – A wing of the U.S. Department of Energy focused on breakthrough technologies may soon give billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s most recent foray into energy storage a run for its money, Tovább...

Daniel Craig did drag, has huge sexual stamina and is packing a ‘monster’ says Judi Dench
DANIEL CRAIG celebrates his birthday today. We still don’t know if he’s back as Bond but we dug up some shocking facts including an early drag performance, reports of his sexual stamina from a former Tovább...

Truck driver ‘speared’ by migrant camp thugs in organised attack – and they’re BRITISH
BRITISH thugs posing as migrants are attacking terrified lorry drivers in Calais as the French authorities try to clear the notorious Jungle camp. Daily Express :: News Feed Tovább...

Szeretem, ha egy zene rendesen fel van építve – Markus Greg interjú
A Deep house zene a house-hoz képest lassabb ütemű és lágyabb hangzású. Mélyre hangolt, összetett akkordokból áll, többször előfordul benne férfi vokál. A Deep house egy kellemes, ellazító hatású Tovább...

How much do you REALLY need to save a month for the retirement you want?
WORKERS need to save as much as 40 PERCENT of their salary every month to have any hope of achieving a decent retirement, analysis has revealed. Daily Express :: Finance Feed Tovább...

Anatomy Of A Soldier and Mothering Sunday: A Romance- Book reviews
LOVE upstairs downstairs and images of war take centre stage. Daily Express :: Books Feed Tovább...

Revealed: What the Premier League’s big five really discussed in secret London meeting
OFFICIALS at five of England’s top clubs say they did not meet to discuss a breakaway European Super League, according to reports. Daily Express :: Sport Feed Tovább...

ALERT: Amazon recalls popular product over electrocution fears – is YOUR child at risk?
AMAZON has tonight issued an urgent safety warning to parents who bought Kindle Fire tablets for their children after discovering a fault with the gadgets’ charging system could cause them to be ELECTROCUTED. Daily Tovább...

Father molested cancer suffering daughter since she was FOUR… but he escapes jail
A FATHER who molested his cancer-stricken daughter has walked free from court despite pleading guilty to the heinous crime. Daily Express :: World Feed Tovább...

Universum Joe – Újragondolva!
Universum Joe feat. Michael Saxon – Faces in the night 2 (Guitar version) A dal első verzióját még tavaly bemutattuk nektek, de most itt az újragondolt változat. ….hogy miért is, arról beszéljen Tovább...